07 March 2023
ICSH, the International Council for Standardization in Haematology is pleased to announce the Publication of a new ICSH Guideline.
Written by David A. Fitzmaurice, Geert-Jan Geersing, Xavier Armoiry, Sam Machin, Steve Kitchen, and Ian Mackie.
This guideline has been written on behalf of the International Council for Standardisation in Haematology (ICSH) and focuses on two point of care (POC) haematology tests used within primary care, namely International Normalised Ratio (INR) and D-dimer. Primary care covers out of hospital settings and can include General Practice (GP), Pharmacy and other non-hospital settings.
This guidance is intended for use by health care professionals performing INR or D-dimer tests in those locations (although these guidelines would also be applicable to hospital out-patient settings).
Links to the full publication can be found at the ICSH Publications page - here