Obituary: Samuel J. Machin MB ChB FRCP FRCPath, 26 March 1949 – 2 October 2021
Authors & Contributors
Ian J. Mackie - Tracy I. George
Published In
International Journal of Laboratory Hematology. 2022; Volume 44: 4-5
First Published
11 November 2021
On Saturday 2 October, we were saddened to learn of the death of Professor Samuel (Sam) Machin after a short, final illness.
Sam was a larger than life character who had a certain vision about how haematology should be and strived to achieve modernization. Through his distinguished career, he was involved with many of the National and International societies and committees involved in haematology and standardization.
Sam studied medicine at Sheffield University from 1966 to 1971. He received his haematology training at Manchester Royal Infirmary before taking a Senior Registrar post at the Middlesex Hospital Medical School. In 1979, he joined Jos Vermylen and others at the Department of Vascular and Haemostasis Research, KU, Leuven. It was here where he commenced his career in haemostasis and thrombosis, researching on platelets, prostacyclin and haemolytic uraemic syndrome. Returning to London, he was appointed Consultant Haematologist (the youngest at the time to achieve that post in the UK) and worked with Professor Jimmie Stewart. Sam’s career progressed with his achievements leading to his appointment as Professor of Haematology at The Middlesex and later University College London (UCL). A large number of scientists and junior doctors received expert training in the Department, many obtaining MD and/or PhD.
Almost without exception, trainees whom Sam mentored and supported have gone on to become consultants, professors, heads of department and divisions in hospitals, universities, the National Blood Service and industry.
He took an active role in organizing the UCL Haemostasis Training Course, which helped haematologists from many parts of the world to obtain Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists.
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